This is where it gets difficult to predict, as location will play a big part in overall construction and operating costs. LBC also anticipates a great deal of 'in-kind' donations from tradespeople, material suppliers and general labourers. Some recurring costs are listed below. As we move forward, the projected amounts will be added to this document.
LBC will have one staff member on site at all times, assisted by volunteer Care Coordinators. Staff will be paid $22.50 per hour with a total of 8,760 hours per year at a total of $197,100. LBC will be seeking support for this from Government sources. This is by far the greatest expense to operating the cabin community, however it has been proven to be a successful model to follow, including the pay structure.
LBC will be working with residents to develop day to day routines which will, as much as possible, replicate expected routines once they attain permanent housing. Residents will be expected to access support from community service providers as much as possible, ensuring a more successful transition to independent living.
Many tiny cabin villages in Canada implement a system where residents on Social Assistance contribute their 'basic shelter' portions of their income to their stay at the village. Both OW and ODSP recipients receive funds designated for housing, that can be applied in this situation.
Initial Costs
Furnishings for cabins and common areas (Consulting with Local Suppliers)
Furnishings and appliances for Community Building (Consulting with Local Suppliers)
Construction of Community Building (Consulting with Local Contractors)
Construction of 20 Cabins (Consulting with Local Contractors)
Infrastructure – Land clearing, roadway, parking, electricity, water, septic, propane, etc (Consulting with Local Contractors & Suppliers)
Recurring Costs
Staffing / security and associated payroll costs like WSIB (est $???)
Maintenance and Repairs (est $???)
Utilities / heat, electricity, septic, Internet (est $???)
Insurance (est $???)
Communications (est $???)
Engagement Activities - Residents (est $???)
Community Events - Public (est $???)
Special Diet Food (est $???)
Mobility and Assist Devices (est $???)
Transportation (est $???)
Legal & Accounting (est $???)