
LBC will operate with two Advisory Committees in part because the communications needs and languages of members within each committee are vastly different. Whenever possible, members of each committee will be welcomed to engage in LBC discussions wherever they occur. LBC’s Community Director, Care Coordinators and Support Volunteers will help to bridge communication gaps and encourage interactions between members of the two committees to help develop common processes and language over time.

Little Blue Cabins is in the process of registering as a Charitable, Not-for-Profit Organization.

Unhoused Advisory Committee

LBC ideas come from the people LBC supports. As LBC walks alongside people navigating systems and coordinating care, LBC listens, observes and identifies challenges. LBC discusses possible solutions and enables people with lived experience to participate in advocating for and developing those solutions. Anyone with living experience, recent lived experience and front line support workers are welcome on the Unhoused Advisory Committee.

Housed Advisory Committee

To change processes, policies and access research and resources, LBC needs the help of the broader community. LBC’s Housed Advisory Committee is fluid and responsive to the needs of the Unhoused Advisory Committee, participation changes depending on the challenge LBC is trying to address. Anyone with an interest in helping to end homelessness is welcome on the Housed Advisory Committee.

Board of Directors

The bulk of the work at LBC happens in the two Advisory Committees. LBC’s Board of Directors manages the administrative responsibilities of having a transparent and accountable governance model.
President – Kevin Taylor (year one)
Treasurer – Heather Johns
Secretary - Debbie Christie
Director - Jake Pothaar

Community Director

Responsible for determining the direction, goals and overall strategy of LBC, and overseeing and directing LBC’s day to day activities, the Community Director will be an unpaid volunteer role assumed by Kevin Taylor. Over time, but not during the first year of the project, it is expected this role will transition to a paid employee position following a transparent, competitive and public hiring process.

Care Coordinators

Responsible for ensuring the wellness and care for the residents, coordinating various services and agencies and much of the day-to-day oversight of the cabin community, care coordinators are currently the only planned, paid positions within LBC. Care Coordinators are advocates for the residents; they support the residents, acting with direction from and in the best interests of the residents at the forefront. Hiring will be an open and transparent process which will seek individuals with:

  • previous experience caring for individuals or groups,

  • previous lived experience or experiencing supporting those without homes,

  • a willingness to embrace the trauma responsive model of care,

  • and, a willingness to adapt delivery of support depending on the individual's needs.

Volunteer Coordinator

Responsible for assisting the residents and care coordinators by arranging the provision of workshops, activities, connections etc being offered by volunteers, community groups or COUNCILS according to the needs and desires of the residents.

Supporting Volunteers

Members of the Bancroft and area community who help build resilience within LBC’s cabin community by engaging with residents in meaningful conversation and activities. Volunteers will be encouraged to participate in LBC’s trauma informed education and courses.

Types of volunteer activities could include:

  • Special occasion meal provision

  • Informal Life Skills education (cooking, doing laundry, meal-planning, budgeting etc)

  • Working within a ‘sponsorship’ plan, similar to the way refugees were welcomed to Ontario; a small team working closely with one resident to help them settle in and thrive

  • Helping fill educational gaps

  • Furnishings and soft goods, bedding, personal touches

  • Skills training- knitting, music, carpentry, needlework, breadmaking, coding etc

  • Entertainment- movie screenings, workshops, musical performances

The specific engagement activities at LBC’s cabin community would be organized at the request of residents, who would not be made to attend or accept support unless they want it.